RoofMaster Construction

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Thank you for logging on to our site.  Please understand that we are still working on our site and if you cant find information that you need please contact us at our Troy office, toll free 1-877-346-ROOF.

Roofmaster Construction is a family owned and operated business, specializing in all aspects of the building industry. Quality materials and expert workmanship at competetive prices. 

Links are being built to show photos of our work, Underlined categories are linked

- Siding
- Gutters
- Chimney and other Masonry
- Cement
- Skylights
- Garage Doors
- Custom Copper-Smithing and Metal Fabricating

Roofmaster Construction, Inc.
360 E Maple Rd.
Troy, MI 48083

1-248-733-9852 (Fax)

Royal Oak, MI
Built shed roof over porch-Steps- Siding-Roof-Gutters-Door (2001)

Royal Oak, MI
Modified Torch Down